Prototype of Lights Off, Locks Locked now Public

Hi all,

I've decided to make the prototype of Lights Off, Locks Locked publicly searchable on

To be honest, it's now been nearly 2 months since I looked at this, and haven't really had the will to build a bigger version. The extended plans for the "full" game haven't really resulted in anything that was much more exciting to play, in terms of puzzles and scenarios; nor does it lend itself to a humorous subversiveness that I would also look to create. Unless I suddenly get a lot of feedback (and I'm not delusional about the quality!) I'll probably pause this for now. Plus I don't really, even with the world it is today, have the time to sit down and create a masterpiece.

The original plan for this was to see what I could do in a week for the Weekly Game Jam, and I did learn a lot. If nothing else it's provided me with a lot of coding tips and tools for future endeavours, and I could potentially join in a future jam - possibly even with the confidence to join a team and do amazing things! (Read: not amazing). I'm also really thinking about the next thing I want to try and make, which shouldn't take long to be a "complete" thing.

Uh... stay safe out there.

Get Lights Off, Locks Locked

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